Highest Rated Comments

JoshuaZ166 karma

Please don't. In general, it is a good idea to wait until one is notable enough that someone else does it of their own accord. Writing one's own page runs into all sorts of neutrality and potential conflict-of-interest issues. Also, it can make for very bad PR if it goes badly.

JoshuaZ152 karma

Edit: I can't even believe I didn't get this one. That was a basic.

So I guess we can confirm you're a fake psychic.

JoshuaZ138 karma

Breaking anonymity if it occurred is quite serious. It is possible that they had a system that let them send an email to someone without actually being able to tell who in the study they were sending it to, but that seems unlikely. It is also possible that feedback was simply not subject to the same anonymity conditions. Are you sure you deleted the email in a way that isn't recoverable? Many email systems (like gmail) let you recover deleted emails.

The positive/negative word thing is not flawed, but is a robust technique, using the Stroop interference effect. While I don't know about this study in particular, it is common in this sort of study to have some participants people switch hands and some not to do so, and have some do it in one order and some do it in the other order. This compensates for most of the relevant issues, and it is likely that that's what was going on here and you were simply in the subset that had that order and that switch.

JoshuaZ111 karma

That sounds like part of an awesome story. Can you give more details?

JoshuaZ111 karma

Yes, per a capita and sheer tonnage of CO2 are different metrics, but if you insist on using sheer tonnage, then by nature the largest countries will be always on the top of your list since they have more people. If one is breaking down by how much countries are meeting their obligations, things like per a capita make more sense.

Also, Sweden is an aberration in terms of how extreme it is, but others are close to their current goals also. Canada is close to being on target for its Paris goals. Germany and France are also close to their goals, and that's even with Germany's terrible decisions regarding shutting down nuclear power plants.