Highest Rated Comments

JustinKBrown37 karma

Oh, I am a senior there now and saw your picture while looking through an old yearbook my English II teacher had.

World History with Mr. Jordan II was probably my favorite class through out high school.

JustinKBrown33 karma

Michael, who was your favorite teacher at Ramona High?

JustinKBrown33 karma

We listened to Oingo Boingo once, Only a Lad if I remember right.

However we did not play Risk, I have learned from the Risk: Metal Gear Solid edition games my friends and I played that it would have been a gruesome day full of murder if he held a tournament.

JustinKBrown3 karma

When you sent in your first audition for Joseph, was it in a British accent or was that decided later on?

JustinKBrown1 karma

Thanks for the answer Ben. See you at Conji next year.