Highest Rated Comments

KJM321533 karma

I love that the top comment in this is just a giant RuneScape thread. Amazing.

KJM32175 karma

Hey Kevin, huge fan of yours. I love the Clerks series and Comic Book Men.

I asked Jay Mewes in his AMA what he'd like to see happen in Clerks III, and he said "I'd love to see Jay & Silent Bob make a sex tape."

What are your thoughts on that?

Also, other than Batman, who is your favorite DC character, and who is your favorite Marvel character? And what are your favorite stories/graphic novels about them?

KJM32131 karma

So, your wife agrees to play parts in your films, but doesn't even like them? That's just a bit hilarious

KJM3212 karma

Hi Mark! I have to know, are we ever getting another Hulk movie? I'm dying for one, and we haven't even had one since you became the Hulk.

Thanks for doing the AMA

KJM3212 karma

Hey, Ed.

Why did you go through all of that trouble for Walt? Didn't you realize that he was his own worst enemy?

Glad Jesse got away though, but I hear Saul isn't doing as well.