Highest Rated Comments

KRosen33321 karma

KRosen33315 karma

brave dude. makes you wonder why telling the truth makes you a brave guy in this world, ya know?

why do you think they did the things they did? and why are we as taxpayers willing to pay it? because the millions does not come from the sheriff, it comes from us, the people footing the bill.

KRosen33315 karma

why not quit and work at a dime mine? i hear the pay is twice as good

KRosen33312 karma

Wikipedia page

As much as I am skeptical, wikipedia is not a reliable source - especially when it comes to people or controversial topics.

KRosen3337 karma

They can run, fly, swim, drive

holy shit a giant duck driving a semi. YOU HAVE MET GOD, AND HIS NAME IS DEATH.