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KamikazeWordsmith18 karma

What sort of upkeep comes with maintaining a prosthetic eye? Do you have to do anything special with it, such as lubrication, etc? Also, is there any pain taking it out and putting it in?

KamikazeWordsmith3 karma

I have Crohn’s disease, and as such have to maintain a low-fiber, high protein diet in order to keep my symptoms at bay. Due to the state of my intestinal tract, I can’t have very many raw vegetables / anything that could be classified as roughage (so if I want them, I have to cook them), I can’t eat any nuts, and to be extra careful I’ve eliminated popcorn, peas, carrots (the last two items, even though they were cooked, were among the foods I ate just prior to my last bowel obstruction that I don’t regularly consume), and corn.

So, essentially, I’m eating a lot of meats, fish, etc. I know this is vague despite the info I’ve given, and I understand if curing / treating Crohn’s isn’t necessarily in your wheelhouse, but I was just wondering if you could make an assessment given my situation. Am I screwed as it relates to maintaining my gut health? Are there any options or suggestions you might have for someone like me?

KamikazeWordsmith2 karma

Hey, Jim! Is there any chance you could kidnap Conan O'Brien and do a live-action Pale Force film, or maybe some short episodes or something?

KamikazeWordsmith1 karma

I think you may have actually touched on this in another response, but just curious: with you having actually been dead enough to be declared brain dead, did you have any sort of near-death experiences or visions that you can remember? If so, would you mind sharing them?

Also, did being brain dead for as long as you were leave you with any lasting damage at all?