Highest Rated Comments

KeepOnTrippinOn5 karma

How did you find readjusting to life "back in the world" after your tour was over? Did you get back to a fairly normal, stable life or was it anything along the lines of Robert Mason(of Chickenhawk fame)?

KeepOnTrippinOn3 karma

Shit man that's a bad injury I hope you can recover quickly and make the best of it. Only last week the wind blew through my house and slammed the front door on my right hand and chopped off the tips of my middle 2 fingers, pales into insignificance when I see what you are going through. It hurts and is an inconvenience as I have to get the wife to help me with more than I expected I'd have to, but in the long run won't make much difference to my life. All the best for the future mate.

KeepOnTrippinOn3 karma

Yes I've read a lot about returning Vietnam veterans and I'm glad to hear you did well upon returning, many thanks for taking the time to answer my question.