Highest Rated Comments

KennNavarro24 karma

Man, there's SOOOO many! "Hate Mail" is actually one of my favorite things to read. Most of the time, they're just angry rants with very bad grammar, punctuation and spelling and they rarely make any sense!

I remember one letter from an angry Mom that told us she would rather put her child in front of an oncoming truck than make them watch HTF! And they call US monsters!

One of the most memorable is a person from France who called us long distance and left a message on our answering machine to work, ranting about how horrible the show is and how terrible people we were. Right before he hung up he said, "You are the Nazis!"

KennNavarro24 karma

I'm short sighted with slight astigmatism.

KennNavarro16 karma

"Eye Candy!" We wrote that whole episode in just a few hours and we were on cracking up the whole time! Then Warren said, "I got the title! We can call it Eye Candy" and we all fell on the floor, convulsing in laughter.

KennNavarro15 karma

On-line? Man, that would make it SO much easier!

Ideas, literally come from everywhere! We've gotten light bulb moments anywhere from walking the street to going to the dentist and everything in between. One time writer Ken Pontac came in with a news article he read about Aron Ralston (the fellow who they based "127 Hours" movie on). This was before the movie came out and we thought that was such a gnarly thing that we wanted to do our own take on it. Thus was born the episode, "Out On A Limb."

KennNavarro12 karma

It's a reaction to growing up with all our favorite Saturday morning cartoons. Really, we're doing the world a public service cause we're showing a more realistic depiction of what happens when when you get hit with a crowbar in the head!

As for rules, there's only a few:

  • No guns. Not that we're against it, it's just too easy. We'd rather be more creative and try and have Flippy kill somebody with a flower. It's funnier and more unexpected!

  • No overtly sexual situations. We want to keep the world "innocent" which makes contrasting the violence even more shocking and, hopefully, funnier! In our minds all Disco Bear want to do with the girls is kiss them. It's like they're all 5 years old.

  • Nothing too new or technologically advanced. Same as above, we want to keep the world stuck somewhere around the 50's to the 70's. An idealized "Golden Age," if you will. That's why the tech in the world is very old!

  • No scatological stuff. Same as guns, not that that we're above poop-humor (in fact there is some in the show), it's just a little too easy.

  • The deaths are mostly accidental. With the exception of Flippy, we've found that it's funnier if their well meaning intentions go horribly, horribly awry!