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Kineticillation117 karma

Amanda: First, I adore your art and sense of style, you just seem so quirky and fun! I get scared when I start to stand out too much, even when I'm feeling more 'myself' in whatever I'm wearing. I don't have a question, just wanted to say thanks for being so out there and helping me be braver. =)

Neil: Your writing has encouraged me to think in big pictures and I always fall back to it when I'm wrestling with some difficult stuff. I really feel like Shadow sometimes, just kind of going along with things while this vibrant crazy life whirls around me. Thanks for joining us since I know you're not really into reddit and Amanda has always been our point of communication. What is a book or multiple books you'd recommend for getting into mythology and religion, and how it all fits together? The Sandman and American Gods seemed to only give me the tip of the iceberg.

Kudos to you both for being very open and forthcoming about being in an open marriage, and how you handle it. You're an excellent example for couples everywhere, who are thinking of trying that relationship model.

Definitely buying the album, love you both!

Now for kind of a silly question: How would each of you describe the other in bed?

Kineticillation6 karma

I just wanted to say that in college, after a really rough day, I used to just sit down and classify dozens of galaxies. It was really soothing, especially because I used to beat myself up constantly for not being good enough at math to easily 'get' physics. I thought I'd failed as a space exploration scientist. So first, thank you for that. Your site was pretty fun!

It also got me thinking about astronomy, and how when I was a kid that's what I originally wanted. I'm good at it, too. I would do anything to help with the program, with Mars, with new propulsion tech or ships, but I don't know what I can do.

So onto the question: What do you guys think an astronomer can do to further the space exploration program?

Kineticillation4 karma

Definitely! I recommend a ton of people over there, as you guys cover a wide variety of sciences. My friend just fell in love with the game where you're matching letters to torn and smudgy texts.

Kineticillation3 karma

Hm. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that look.

Kineticillation3 karma

Link for the lazy.

No question here. Love the things you do, Rowntree! The one girl, with the frizzy hair and the good writing, has really moved me. Actually a ton of your comics have. The one about small steps leading to big things? I know this wasn't the main take away point but what I really learned from that is that when I'm having a lousy day, do a bunch of small good things for myself until I feel better, don't expect one giant thing to just make everything better.

You rock!