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KittyKate1077814 karma

hi as an adult who didnt fully understand her diagnosis til recently (thanks parents who didnt want me to be ostracized so instead taught me how to mask until it became natural), i have some questions.

i checked out your website and i still dont fully understand whats going on, sorry, please explain a little bit more.

also do you have any tips for how to function in college especially with online covid learning? cause at this point im giving up college until online covid learning goes away due to not being able to be functional in that type of learning environment. thank you

KittyKate107784 karma

I decided not to do college this semester after the mid semester switch last semester due to covid failed, because I have problems with being able to get myself into what I call "school mode" when I'm at home. idk a better way to put it. I know I need to do the work but it's easier for my brain to get started in an environment it knows and associates with work and school. Idk how to better explain it if you need more clarity let me know thank you

KittyKate107783 karma

not op but someone with autism in the us. under the dsm 4 i was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome and under the dsm 5 my diagnosis was changed to autism level 1 for context. there are definitely some days i would say i could fall under the level 2 label tho.

personally i dont want a cure for autism because to me its a different way of being human. just like left handness is a different way of being human. we dont try to cure left handness anymore. we dont say being left handed isnt normal so you have to learn how to write with your right hand anymore. we still do with autism. we still try to take a persons inherent being away from them instead of trying to help them live with this different way of being. im sorry about your son and i really dont mean to be rude when i say this but have you worked on non verbal communication skills with him? i ask as someone who loses my ability to talk when im in overwhelming situations and wants to learn sign language as a way to communicate when i cant be verbal. that might help him if he hasnt learned ways to communicate that arent verbal. theres other things like aac communication that could also help. also i personally dont get society wanting people to live on their own unless its with a partner. im on the asexual and aromantic spectrum and i personally dont care if never get married i will just find another friend like me and settle down with them just for legal purposes. but also i know being completely on my own isnt really achievable to me. for me its partly the autism partly the fact that i have other mental illnesses who when im relapsing on symptoms its better for me not to be alone. i dont think complete independence is the goal for everyone and certaintly not me. i feel like im always going to need a roommate of some kind to help me feel safer in my own skin when my self harm thoughts are going to be triggered to help me manage my executive dysfunction better and to make up for the areas in which i lack in terms of upkeep of a home. im always going to need help of some kind and ive made peace with that. and to me curing my autism and illnesses would make me someone who is completely different to the person i am right now. and i dont want to be a different person. i just want my life to be more functional. so im personally in favor of not curing it but helping people be as functional and independent as they realistically can be.

KittyKate107783 karma

Thank you so much for the advice, I have an idea of the blockades but am having a hard time putting them into words (I'm autistic with a history of adhd but it is not on my current chart so idk whats actually going on). Also I really appreciate the don't beat yourself up about it thing because I have the tendency to be so perfectionistic that anything less than perfect is failure to my brain and I like seeing that reminder because sometimes I can't stop my brain but someone else can if that makes sense.