Highest Rated Comments

KonigTX28 karma

Hello. Military here. Every time I go to CATM I miss marksman by 1 point. I'm a decent shot and have been shooting since I was about 10, but that last point evades me continually. Any tips on using an M16A2 with holo sight?

KonigTX8 karma

I'll answer this one for them: yes

KonigTX7 karma

What's in the honey cruellers? They're fking amazing.

KonigTX6 karma

More MSM liars here to tell us how anyone right of Stalin is a terrible person who shouldn't be allowed to breathe. I'll ask you the same question I asked the idiot last week:

How do you sleep at night knowing everything you write is full of lies because it suits the agenda you're told to stick to?

KonigTX6 karma

Thank you!! Will do my best!