Highest Rated Comments

KrYbLuEr96 karma

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. 

KrYbLuEr34 karma

If I donate to you; what percentage of my money goes to salaries, marketing, administration costs, photo shoots, equipment costs, etc...?

KrYbLuEr6 karma

I appreciate that you are taking the time to perform an AMA, but I must say this reply doesn't really answer the question.

Our board has done their due diligence to compare wages, administrative costs, and other operating expenses to organizations who are in our same industry.

Can you please share an executive summary of this due diligence?

KrYbLuEr3 karma

No they are not. The person running the AMA has a salary of $35,000 and that means others are likely getting paid. The OP never answered the question and left it open then closed the AMA. They could be spending 95% of their revenue on parties for all we know. Non profits are required to disclose their financials and this non profit chose to hide behind an "execu-speak" wall instead.

KrYbLuEr1 karma

According to you words

They are offering their time and talent for free to those in need.

Please explain to me how this sentence indicates how they are offering their time and talent for free while receiving salaries for their time and talent.

I would like to offer you a free photography session, but only if I am getting a salary from someone else to do it. Therefore I am doing it for free. Right?