Highest Rated Comments

KroganBalls22 karma

How many brothels/ranches are run by women? Have you or any of the other women ever considered striking out on your own and starting your own business?

KroganBalls22 karma

This is such a great answer because a lot of people don't realize the nuance with this issue and effects of decriminalization vs legalization. There is so much about this that people need to get education and perspective on and it's so much more difficult when there's so much social stigma and taboo surrounding it.

Also major props for mentioning the marginalization of sex workers who don't fit the able bodied cis woman ideal

KroganBalls2 karma

Many people have written about the 'perspective shift' which occurs after working in these fields or taking trips like this one. Being moved by the idea of our beautiful, fragile planet. 'The pale blue dot' as Carl Sagan put it.

Have you experienced something similar during this trip or in any work you've done before?