Highest Rated Comments

LMMontalbano1037 karma

Would you like me to knit you a scarf that won't bother you?

LMMontalbano81 karma

they don't call me 'that knittin', trustworthy, beautiful, fabulous, etc, LMMontalbano' for nothing.

LMMontalbano27 karma

Today in the elevator a Page walked in carrying a large piece of equipment. Andy said, "You know they won't let you walk out with that thing..." and we all giggled. The end.

LMMontalbano11 karma

Not OP. I'm a coach, previous skater, and I've heard a number of bone snaps. Once I saw someone land on a skaters foot, and the skater fell to the side but her foot stayed in place. Everyone in the room heard the snap. The adrenaline allowed her to not feel the pain, and she promised everyone she'd be at the afterparty. Went to the hospital and found out she broke her foot and ankle in four places.