Highest Rated Comments

L_Zilcho17 karma

Malhotra one of best human beings to be playing the game right now. We seriously miss him in San Jose, and everything I've read about him since is all community outreach, and support. Truly a wonderful guy

L_Zilcho4 karma

Have you seen Gravity? Thoughts?

L_Zilcho1 karma

When and how did you first fall in love with the justice system?

L_Zilcho1 karma

I went to sleep at 3:15 ...

L_Zilcho1 karma

I know it's all luck, but that's really what I want to be.

A significant amount of luck can be overcome through hard work. You are too young to be great at anything, yet, so now is the time to stuck at something you care about. If you truly care about this, make as many videos as you can, as often as you can. Some, many, of them will be bad, but you will learn a lot through your mistakes.

Also, try and seek out resources that could help you. Maybe message a favorite you youtuber and ask them about how they work/got started.