Highest Rated Comments

LadyA0525 karma

How long did it take you to be comfortable in front of the camera and let your real personality out? I can't imagine that was easy at first. You're awesome!

LadyA0521 karma

I met you long ago at a Mac Users meeting in San Diego and I knew you were destined for great things back then! Just got home and didn't know this was happening, but I can't wait for the NOVA show tonite!

LadyA0521 karma

This was debunked by Snopes.

LadyA0521 karma

Isn't there a way that a final ruling of No Tax Due can be made to stick? My boss didn't take out taxes for three years..decided I was an independent contractor..not your call, dude. He was finally caught and had to pay the back taxes, etc. Now the IRS sees his amended W2s as ADDITIONAL income and I am being dogged endlessly and paying a tax guy to file an answer over and over again. Now the Franchise Tax Board has discovered this fun fact and here I go again. This is costing me a fortune to contest all this. I have a stack of IRS letters you wouldn't believe...the same thing over and over again...and now the Franchise Tax Board. Any suggestion?