Highest Rated Comments

Latyon373 karma

That one dude getting stuck in Nutty Putty Cave pretty much ensured I'm gonna stay on the surface forever. No caving for me.

I mean to think that the only way to rescue you is to break your legs backward...which would likely kill you...

Latyon132 karma

Hi, James!

Question: Have you ever personally seen irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial life on Earth?

Latyon34 karma

The only drugs that actually work are minoxidil (which is available over the counter, Rogaine is the most popular brand) and finasteride, which is a pill that requires a prescription, the most popular brand is Propecia, but generic finasteride is much cheaper, especially if you ask your doctor for 5mg (commonly known as Proscar) pills and quarter them.

If you do decide to start minoxidil, be very careful if you have a cat. It is incredibly, INCREDIBLY toxic to cats. Never let them lick your hair, never let them on your bed. It basically can cause total organ failure just from touching it.

Latyon28 karma

It's still imagination based.

Latyon28 karma

I can think of worse fates. An eternity of warm beer is a very "the afterlife is Cincinnati" type thing which is okay.