Highest Rated Comments

Laxmin10 karma

Every day you hear about another Muslim being lynched

Really? Can you quote some dependable source for this?

Laxmin3 karma

Best Food, Dhaba and local drink, please.

Laxmin2 karma

Thank you very much!

Laxmin1 karma

I am even more pissed that US's draconian laws are also affecting legislature around the world.

My country, India, although long had copyright laws, was pretty liberal about it and depended on individual legal interpretation of each case of infringement based on circumstances in the court.

Today, our legislature has been influenced by both US precedents as well as the 'Lobby' into enacting overarching, blanket laws with tougher penalties, mirroring whats happening in the US.

This IMO, is one of the worse aspects of DMCA. aka, exporting copyright terror.

Laxmin1 karma

Any Idea to travel outside the States?