Highest Rated Comments

Leath_Hedger686 karma

Hi Sara! Will you ever record a studio version of your "Chandelier" cover? It was amazing. Loved you on The Sing Off!

Leath_Hedger5 karma

Strangely enough I've started watching the series from season 1 only 2 days ago! Perfect timing...because I've been stewing on these questions. Serendipity really.

  1. Did Hugh Laurie end up enjoying his American accent enough to keep it going outside of filming/practicing?

  2. Did you have a lot of medical pros on set for teaching and coaching the complicated drug names and conditions or were the actors pretty good at remembering them?

  3. Did Hugh walk with a limp so much that he forgot to turn it off afterwards?

  4. I see so many famous or semi-famous actors as patients in House. We're they already semi-famous or did they go on to bigger roles after getting exposure on House?

  5. Small question. If House always found so many of his answers from clinicals, how come he hated doing them instead of embracing them for the resource that they are. Must have lost a lot of patients in those months/years of skipping clinicals. ;)

Thanks for all your time and dedication Mr. Shore!

Leath_Hedger3 karma

Hey Dan! Big fan of Now I Know, thanks for making us all a little smarter each day, been subscribed for years now. Since y poo u amazingly research all of these yourself, do you remember them all? Is it time to test your knowledge on Jeopardy? Also, how do you go about finding new interesting tidbits and researching bizarre and unusual facts? Thanks for all the bonus facts too and links to interesting further readings! Keep up the great work.

Leath_Hedger1 karma

Nickolas, how did you get so strong and good at rollerblading and hooking? Rick have you actually eaten someone's dick clean off like kobayashi?

But really, big fan of both of you! What has been your proudest moment in acting and what is one role you've always aspired to but have yet to fulfill? Thanks guys! Can't wait for the new movie.

Leath_Hedger1 karma

Really excited to try these out, I love cooking and exploring new spices. I appreciate when food packs a flavorful punch so I've been on a curry binge for awhile. Can we expect anything tasty in your spice lineup in that area?