Highest Rated Comments

Leelluu23 karma

Wait, you just flew into a neighborhood on a hot air balloon and people invited you in for breakfast? What land is this?

Leelluu9 karma

Why have you decided to remove the penis rather than breasts and uterus, considering it is easier to be male in most societies?

Leelluu1 karma

Do we have an understanding of why so many people believe that it's cruel to let an animal suffer to death from an incurable terminal condition but at the same time believe it's cruel to let a human being who is suffering from an incurable terminal condition end their life to avoid suffering to death?

Leelluu1 karma

Do you have a plan to win the votes of Kentuckians who dislike Mitch McConnell and believe he's doing a bad job but plan to vote for him anyway because, "At least he's not a Democrat"?

Leelluu1 karma

What's the best way to determine whether one's treatment for mental health issues is in the, "It gets worse before it gets better," phase of therapy (where you get upset by talking about & thereby acknowledging your issues) or whether you have a bad therapist who is making things worse for you?