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LeiAdeline2 karma

As a film, game, and music critic myself, I have to ask your process for reviewing. And I mean that in an actual setting up and writing a review kind-of way, not so much in a sexual way.

How exactly do you go through finding a toy to review, acquiring it, and creating a review? What sort of things do you cover, and what sort of standards do you hold the toys up to when figuring out if one is better than the other?

Also, is reviewing sex toys similar to reviewing technology, where there is a greater focus on objective standards and cost? Or is it closer to reviewing things that I review, like movies, where quantifiable objective merits are often less present and there is a greater focus on subjective experience and the work's unique style?

LeiAdeline2 karma

Hey Yacht Club! I have a few questions I've been itching to ask you =3

1) How will the map system work? Are you looking to design a more "map in name only" style one like Mega Man, or will the map be something fully functional like in the Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country?

2) How will the Gender Swap mode work? Is it going to amount to throwing something stereotypical on the characters (IE putting the characters in dresses and slapping lipstick on them) or will you be doing something a little more interesting?

3) What do you hope to do for the challenge mode? Will you be making new content for it, or will you be reusing stages and rooms in new ways? Are you looking to do something like the New Super Mario Bros. U challenge mode?

I've already backed and I can't wait for the game! =D

LeiAdeline2 karma

Hello Dr. Krauss, I'm a huge fan of your work!

My question to you is two-fold, but both are about YouTube:

1) Do you think the upswing of YouTube-based science shows - such as SciShow, Crash Course, Minute Physics, and the like - may replace traditional science shows like MythBusters, or fill the void left by things like Bill Nye's show? Would you ever consider doing a YouTube show, channel, or series?

2) How do you feel about the Atheist YouTube community and people like The Amazing Atheist and other ranters, The Thinking Atheist and other video producers, Zinnia Jones and other lecturers, and the like. Do you know any of them, either personally or from seeing their videos? Do you think they are helping the freethought movement? What do you think they should improve?

I hope you see this. Thanks so much for what you do!

LeiAdeline2 karma

Thanks so much for responding! Hearing your plans, especially on the Gender Swap and challenges, makes me even more excited __^