Highest Rated Comments

Lemurrific35 karma

Can confirm. Bought collectors items for a ps4 game.

I don't even own the console yet.

Lemurrific26 karma

Do you love me?

Lemurrific14 karma

Your Dark Souls medley is probably my favorite thing.

My question is, if you could do the official soundtrack for any game, what sort of game would you want to do?

Lemurrific5 karma

A tool is really all it is. People greatly misuse it. MBTI is a perfect aid for introspection and communication with different kinds of people, but it should never be used to dictate who you are or the actions one "should" take.

Everyone uses all functions sometimes, to varying degrees of success. But we do have strengths/weaknesses/preferences/motivations, and it can at least help you start determining those.

Lemurrific2 karma

Seen any good shows lately? Looking for something new.