Highest Rated Comments

LeonNight53 karma

Of all the foreigners you served with AND against, which allies or enemies surprised you in their characters compared to how you pictured them before your contact with them? Also thanks to both of you (vet and grandson) for bringing this out to everybody!!

Edit: Can you describe being behind the lines and meeting the OSS and Maquis?

LeonNight9 karma

Drug war - in your opinion what should be changed? BTW thanks for everything you do. While I was a young addict/alcoholic a MPLS beat cop fomer swat befriended me for a bit and helped me a lot. He said people are always happy for the fire fighters, not always for the crime fighters.

LeonNight6 karma

Thank you for your answer. Who are the maqis and what should we all know about them for you to say they were so memorable sir?