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Leonblack77719 karma

Well if you live in Arizona or Florida spring training is right around the corner, and most places are hiring part time workers for the season, look around, drop the head groundskeeper of your home team an email asking if he has gameday staff positions available, you might get stuck with the grunt work at first, but if you are interested and show that you enjoy the work most of them will start to expand your knowledge, if you are super serious go to college and get a Sports Turf degree, this is a science and knowing the science helps a ton

Leonblack77719 karma

Currently I make 32,000 a year, but Im not a head of a major league team, I work for the Cincinnati Reds @ their spring training facility

Leonblack77718 karma

Rollers are used, we have them behind the reels on our mowers, all grass is cut at the same height to ensure an even playing surface, light colored lines are mowed going away from the viewer, dark lines are mowed going towards the viewer, patterns are made by crossing the mow lines at different points

Leonblack77716 karma

Bad hops more often come from a divot in the infield dirt from a cleat, the reason groundscrews do a 3rd and 6th inning drag is to remove as many of these footprints as possible, and we work the whole skin the same, however the first base area gets rolled more often to keep its compaction as that area gets the most wear in our infields due to more players reaching first than third

Leonblack77715 karma

When I worked at Great Lakes in the minors we pulled the tarp everyday for the first month of the season, needless to say that thing is heavy as shit, and when its full of water its even heavier, it.sucks.bad.