Highest Rated Comments

Leuku155 karma

Halloa Rebecca! Amazing job you're doing with Steven Universe. Has every bit the majesty, grace, and sheer destructiveness of Sailor Moon.

Would you be interested to know that your characters near-perfectly depict stages of human emotional development?

Steven the Co-Dependent - as expected of a child his age.

Amethyst the Counter-dependent - the explorer and rebel, fighting authority even if it's a bad idea.

Pearl the Group-dependent - the responsible manager, legalistic to a fault.

Garnet the Independent - Free to take on the burdens of others, can be a bit reckless, and is understanding of the growth that risk-taking can give as well as its limitations.

Amazing that you managed to pick up on inherent human behavior and manifest them in to distinct, colorful characters!

Edit: I spelled Sheer incorrectly. Yet nobody pointed it out before I edited it! Victory! Take that grammar nazis!

Leuku16 karma

Amazing. Truly amazing. I've been working on a demo reel for voiceover acting. If I ever meet you in person, please take pity on me!

Leuku16 karma

I was in Rome last summer and met a young Egyptian man. We talked about his perceptions and experiences with the ouster of Mubarak, the military's actions, the new President Morsi, and America's role.

He told me that people like him appreciate the US support of the Egyptian military. They acknowledge that America had a large hand in the Egyptian military abstaining from joining the Egyptian revolution and are thankful for that. They want Egypt and the US to continue to have good ties, and hope that America will continue to put Egypt's best interests forward.

He also answered questions about Morsi. He said people like him are hopeful of Morsi, but their expectations weren't too high. He could be good, and they want him to be, but if Morsi ended up wrong for them, they were willing and ready to take him down and try again. Looks like the Egyptians put their money where their mouth is.

Leuku10 karma

What do you think is the reason for the amount of stress you build up from this work?

Leuku7 karma

Can I get a confirmation from you that lactose intolerant people can indeed drink goat's milk and eat goat's milk based products because of fundamental ways in which goat's milk differs from cow's milk?