Highest Rated Comments

LeviK_KC27 karma

Whenever you are criticized or slighted by the media (Huffington Post, NPR,etc), you usually respond pretty vehemently on the podcast. However, the most notable criticism came from fellow comedian Andy Kindler during his keynote at the comedy festival. Your response was very measured and relatively polite. Was this public response to Kindler genuine or were you in fact really angry or hurt?

LeviK_KC21 karma

Todd- I bought your special for $5, didn't have the money to cover it in checking apparently, and was charged a $28 NSF fee. Totally worth it.

LeviK_KC13 karma

How much did it cost to make the special?

LeviK_KC3 karma

Are you planning to release the audio/video from your current crowd work tour?

LeviK_KC2 karma

Dr. Drew has repeatedly said if you lose the lawsuit, you will quit podcasting. What is your plan for the network if the trolls somehow win?