Highest Rated Comments

LewdConduct31 karma


LewdConduct6 karma

Correct. The ICDs usually work very well, so his heart might go into ventricular fibrillation or some other lethal rhythm that would normally kill him, but then the ICD kicks in and shocks the heart back into a normal rhythym. (Ventricular fibrillation is just basically when your ventricles start beating erratically and don't pump blood effectively).

LewdConduct5 karma

That's what the ICD is for. Brugada syndrome is just a rhythm disorder--the electrical impulses of the heart can basically misfire, so the ICD is there to correct the rhythm. A heart transplant is a huge deal--you have to take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of your life (which come with their own side effects) and the new heart will only last for so many years, about a decade or so is typical IIRC, at which point you would need a new transplant.

LewdConduct3 karma


LewdConduct3 karma
