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Lighting61 karma

I was a bit surprised that it did not end in a hung jury.

What was the demographics of the jury? I see your story said "The 12-member jury included two black people, and the remainder were white." but male, female, age, ... ?

Lighting14 karma

Thanks - this is perfect.

Lighting12 karma

Can gravitational waves be polarized like light is found to be.?

Lighting12 karma

No question but my parents used to travel and go to different chiropractors. I'd tag along. Some were really serious about health and others were bullshit artists who just wanted to scare patients into getting ongoing useless adjustments. The good ones would take a long time to evaluate things, track changes, look at small details, explain what things they were going to be changing and why. The bullshit ones would go "hmm... tap click tap crack ... all done (in 10 minutes) .... let's schedule a year's worth of treatment cause you are going to need it." The hollistic approach is scientifically proven to work well in medicine, but it seems like 90% of chiropractors give the rest a bad name.

So bullshit or science. Same as all fields of medicine. Depends on the person doing the work and whether or not evidence based, scientifically grounded, techniques are used. For years heart doctors recommended statins because "cholesterall=bad!". Bullshit. For decades spine doctors recommended surgery for cases that we now know would be better solved by antibiotics. For years doctors recommended bottle feeding instead of breast milk. Bullshit. For years GI doctors couldn't believe that a bacteria caused ulcers (bullshit) and laughed at those who took kitchen-made medicine that scientists now realize actually acted on the bacteria. I could go on and on and on.

So parts might be bullshit and there might be those who enter your field to make money by abusing the weak. But as long as you use evidence based metrics - I think it will make a difference.

Lighting6 karma

Interesting - I've never thought of it that way before. So you'd separate rehabilitation from prison and make prison what then? A place to send the people who would never be released and just keep them in solitary? I don't understand why you think people in prison should not be given rehabilitation services?