Highest Rated Comments

Liskarialeman25 karma

She's lovely! Does she talk at all? Does she chat with passing starlings/crows/etc?

Liskarialeman17 karma

Oh how cool! This is my first time learning about you both. Is there any trash you don't like to eat?

What's the strangest thing you've eaten?

Liskarialeman2 karma

That's really cool ! Do you work on mostly mines, quarries? or construction sites? Or do you move around for a combo of each ? How often do you travel around ? (i just love watching the big trucks go... the tech and size is so neat!)

Liskarialeman2 karma

That's so awesome. Especially that it just came by to hang out, kinda like a goodbye. Thank you for answering!

Liskarialeman1 karma

This is a really awesome idea! Going to bookmark the website and sign up to send some soil over. What's been in the most unique sample you've found so far? Is it possible we can be contacted to let us what's in the soil that we send once you process it...? I'm so curious! (I know it'd be a very hard thing to do for everyone... I'd just really love to know!)