Highest Rated Comments

LizardOrgMember5210 karma


LizardOrgMember536 karma

What's the biggest misconception the public believe about the Middle East?

LizardOrgMember53 karma

What's your take on Thanksgiving? What would be your narrative when it comes to informing people about Thanksgiving?

LizardOrgMember52 karma

What it's like to be a non-theist politician in Arizona and what's your advise to non-religious people who are running for an office?

Also, do you meet with religious leaders and have interfaith discussion with them (w/o any lobbying from behind).

LizardOrgMember52 karma

The only movie I watched that you starred in was Stay Alive. When I was a kid, I thought the idea of a horror movie about haunted video game sounded cool. Looking back then it was a silly movie but it had a unique concept. I wish someone remade it and push the movie to its full potential.

Of all the film directors you worked with, which one you had a great time with and hoped to work with again?