Highest Rated Comments

Lord__Business292 karma

That poohead* Derek ...

There are children here.

Lord__Business11 karma

/u/reese015 I would love to see an answer to this one. If there's any place for a child to shine, it's in an idealistic question like this. And we could all use a bit more idealism these days.

Lord__Business6 karma

Hi guys, two questions:

  1. The song "Modern Jesus" is one of my favorites. Do you had any insight into its meaning that you would like to share?

  2. For all the cynics, why should we care about saving the Sumatran tiger? What makes this animal special and important?

Lord__Business2 karma

What are the first steps in putting together a campaign for public office? You go to medical school and complete a residency to become a doctor, or attend trade school and work in an apprenticeship to become a plumber, but I have no idea what one has to practically do to become a Member of Congress. I'm less interested in your background and more of the practical steps from "I want to run for office" to "I am on a ballot in November."

Thanks for doing this AMA!

Lord__Business2 karma

Governor, can we expect you to take a stance on NSA spying and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? If so, what would that stance be?