Highest Rated Comments

Lotronex29 karma

How does it make you feel when you see your work enter the general lexicon? I know that while playing Defiance online schtako is becoming popular, not in the least because its not blocked by the profanity filter. When you created the word, were you hoping that it would become the next frell/frak?

Lotronex14 karma

If you tell them not to contact you, are they still able to just sell that debt to another party? If so, how often does that happen?

Lotronex10 karma

Any chance you guys will pick up David Hewlett's Starcrossed as a series? I would love to see a new sci-fi comedy series that is actually targeted at sci-fi fans.

Lotronex4 karma

How physical is the job? I'm at a desk all day and out of shape, how much hussle is there, and how much downtime during the shift? Do you get bussed out to the site, or have to drive everyday?

Lotronex2 karma

He claimed he could manipulate the router remotely with out any admin info or pw access and tell the system to use it as an extender rather than a router broadcasting it's own signal. (Total bullshit, what a lying fuckbag)

He may have been referring to the U-Verse gateway, which he can remotely access from his end without needing any login info from you. As far as changing the settings on you're spare router, that would be out of the scope of support, and he shouldn't be doing it.

Easy way to get your spare router to work is set it in the DMZ on the U-Verse RG, and change your spare routers internal IP range from 192.168.1.X to 10.0.0.X.