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Lupicia36 karma

Interesting! I have three kids, so I've encountered a fair share of fevers that our pediatrician has had to deal with, though none so bad as to land them in the ER. That's wonderful that you're developing a rapid tool that can help avoid over-prescribing antibiotics for viral causes and also picking up on smoldering bacterial infections that need them.

First, in your experience, can some fevers seem to lack viral or bacterial etiology? (Teething? Immunizations? Expansion forces of the universe?) Can your test identify one that's neither bacterial nor viral... and what do you do then?

Second, does your test help diagnose chronic, low-grade fevers that need antibiotics but would otherwise be missed because the child's fever never spiked high, or is your test mostly for severe fever?

Lupicia28 karma

I googled it and came up empty. Do you have a link??

Lupicia15 karma

The census is required by law. There isn't a criminal penalty for individuals for not completing it, but the law spells out how and when the census is done.

But if you don't complete it you'll A) you'll get increasingly persistent reminders, then census workers repeatedly visiting in person, and B) you'll lose out on being counted, which means your local share of federal services and funding will be less, and your local area gets less representation in the House.

These together (short term annoyance, a decade of less representation) are a natural legal consequence of not doing a 5 minute patriotic thing.

Lupicia3 karma

Prince of Persia was the first computer game I ever really got into, and as an 8-year-old, some of it was pretty spooky... the chompers even still scare me a little. But I totally loved your game. Thank you, sir, for creating a huge chunk of my childhood.

So here's my question... what was your inspiration for the "dark mirror" doppelganger?

Lupicia1 karma

In Florida you don't get a copy of a new birth certificate automatically - you have to specifically apply for one via fax(!) with an extra fee or visit a records location during their open hours, and pay some fee, I think it's $15 per record plus expedited processing if you want your request looked at within 2 weeks.

In Virginia they were sent automatically.