Highest Rated Comments

LustrousWS640 karma

Absolutely this. I automatically assume any cop that's not in a hell of a rush (on a call), is hunting.

LustrousWS62 karma

So much me. I did have reflux though which actually led to panic attacks

LustrousWS61 karma

Mid 20s here with GERD. Any advice on how to sleep more then 5 hours a day with the pain? I wake up really early with indigestion every single day. Dexilant has worked best but only made it barely liveable. My pain gets worse the more Im not perfectly vertical. I've been scoped and biopsied so many times, thousands (getting close to tens) in medical bills and no solid answers...

LustrousWS61 karma

At first when I tried it over a year ago, it was a godsend but my doctor wouldn't recommend prescribe it even though just the sample bottle made me feel worlds better. It wasn't until over a year later that I changed doctors and am finally on Dexilant. It has helped noticeably more than the Prilosec but this time isn't a miracle cure. Just manageable. Better than nothing but it gives me some annoying side effects, more then the prilosec did

LustrousWS61 karma

Dexilant works better for me than prilosec (OTC and Rx). I'll try the wedge pillow but why left side? It hurts to sleep on my left