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LyricBensonFergusson33 karma

Beautiful Question! YAY!

Yes. The visions were so many, it's hard to pick one. But I often I would see the universe creating itself, the subtle movements of the planets and how they manifest from consciousness. It is so beautiful!

As far as being in contact with other beings, yes all the time I feel other beings, mainly angels and ascended masters. I see them regularly with my eyes both open and closed. At first they began appearing in meditations, but then they never stopped keeping me company. It is one of the greatest blessings of my practice. :)

LyricBensonFergusson30 karma

I have a meditation technique that allows my mind and body to settle without straining. Then in that silence Creation begins to unfold before my eyes. After some practice I began having visions, and powerful experiences of the depths of consciousness.

There is so much to explore! So every time the technique was the same but the experiences were always very very different. Often pretty mind blowing...

LyricBensonFergusson30 karma

I became much more integrated. There was now time in the day to utilize and enjoy all the bliss I had gained over those very inward years. My body also became healthier because I became more physically active.

LyricBensonFergusson26 karma

I would say that it was great for a period of time, but then it's important to be attuned to what your body needs. If the body feels strong and healthy, then you should be fine to continue. If the body is falling apart and you are an emotional mess, maybe back off :)

LyricBensonFergusson14 karma

Another great question. I think it's important to have the underlying experience of the Self first before being concerned with the supernatural aspects of Creation. This is because all of the mystical aspects of Creation can be very overwhelming unless you are rooted in the eternal and unchanging Self.

This said, my experiences of higher beings, angels, devatas, did begin before I became more integrated. In my experience, these angels and ascended masters can take many forms. I experience them as having human-esque forms but overwhelmingly beautiful. Really the forms are infinite. And in the ancient scriptures it is often said that "God" reveals itself to the seeker in the form that they feel most comfortable with. So the forms are truly infinite. I know these beings are friends because they come with a profound feeling of safety and love in tow. I feel comforted, protected, and healed by their presence.

Hope this helps?