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MD8273 karma

Waka, do you remember performing at Cal State Fullerton for our spring concert? It was fucking awesome. I lost my shit when you played 50k.

MD8216 karma

People like you are the reason I left the office job life and decided to work on the farm. You contribute absolutely nothing except for waste peoples time. How do you not think you’re a grifter?

MD8215 karma

First thank you for serving. Second how similar is the modern airborne to say something like Band of Brothers? What type of planes do you use and is it the same parachute deploys as soon as you're out the door?

MD823 karma

Do you ever feel weird talking to the glasses? Also do you get weird glances from people?

MD823 karma

Hello! I've notice nowadays companies use social media a lot to market and connect with clients, did you take advantage of social media, and what is your opinion on using it as a tool for business?