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MJKauz43 karma

Jimiffondu, are the prices per MB still exorbitantly high? I will eventually need to rent them to transmit photo in remote locations (though not for the next few years, likely), but they seem so expensive. I do realize what they're doing is quite amazing though.

MJKauz29 karma

Hello Nazanine! Thanks for taking the time to answer questions from Goma.

First, how many reporters (even more interesting to me as a photojournalist, how many photojournalists) are on the ground in Goma at this moment?

Second, U.S. House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Smith said on MSNBC just about 30 minutes ago that he felt that the United States sending a special envoy to the region to work with Uganda and Rwanda for a peace treaty would be immensely helpful. I thought that it was laughable, that M23 won't care who comes to negotiate. What are your thoughts on a move like this?

Also, regionally, the US has trained one battalion, about 500 or so fighters, who are supposedly effective, but its a small drop in a big pond. Would such training be beneficial for the future of the region?

Finally, what advice would you give to a young Arabic-speaking photojournalist who wants to get abroad to do your kind of work? Feel free to contact me via PM if you want.

Thanks for your time, especially on BGAN! I hope YOU'RE not paying for the data rate ;)

MJKauz27 karma

Hey Steve, thanks for taking the chance to do this.

I am a 22 year old American photojournalist who speaks two dialects of Arabic. I just graduated college, but for a while, its been my life goal to work in the Middle East to help people in the rest of the world get a feel for what its like to live there. Beyond the war, they are just people with their own distinct, beautiful cultures.

Do you have any tips for helping me get abroad? Is there a place for me, as an Arabic speaker and visual journalist (I also do some writing)? I've been looking for internships or other jobs but it doesn't seem to be working out yet.

Even if you have an email or someone you know that would be able to help me (internships with a news org abroad, or something...) I would really appreciate it so much. Feel free to direct message me if you do.

I'm sorry that I don't have more interesting questions, but I'm really trying everything I can to accomplish my dream. I hope people don't downvote me for this.

MJKauz7 karma

From my understanding, thats very very high. Even $1/MB is tough on the wallet when you need to send 10 photos at 8mb per.

MJKauz5 karma

I'm finishing a story (photo, video, writing) for a newspaper on a local guy who spends all his time balanced between 6 hours training each day, 8 hours at work, and raising a 2 year old. It seems that for a lot of people, even if they take fights, they probably won't get big-ticket fights ever, but it provides a lot of balance for them.

Has MMA provided you a balance in your life that you wouldn't have found otherwise? How has it improved your life? Where would you be without fighting?