Highest Rated Comments

Magictonay26 karma

if it's good it's good if it's bad it's fucking awful. Heard dat son

Magictonay8 karma

Sorry if I'm late but what equipment (Specifically camera) did you take with you?

Magictonay7 karma

A lot of mixed reviews on yelp, do you bother to read what people have to say? I watched the movie 'Chef' and it helped me get a feel for food carts as they're not too big in New Zealand just yet, do you love the lifestyle or are you wanting to get back into banking?

Magictonay4 karma

This makes sense except the people in charge have a history of fucking things up in a corrupt looking way. You've already alluded to the DWS fuckery previously in the thread and it's public record that Snipes manages to conveniently make a mess of everything she touches.

I give you, and the other polling staff, the benefit of the doubt but how can Americans trust your methods of they're consistantly sloppy and an issue.

Magictonay3 karma

Registered Democrat. They answered further up the line.