Highest Rated Comments

Magnus_ORily5 karma

You and your fellow gym goers seem to have a lot of branded clothing and accessories with bitching haircuts. As well as what must be a daily:

4000+ calorie diet 100g+ protein intake.

All that plus the expensive bulding supplies you've used to build an impressive gym. AND finding the time to work out 6 days a week suggests to me that you have enough money to buy basic equipment.

May I ask why you didn't just buy safer more efficient equipment when It seems you can afford it?

Magnus_ORily3 karma

like many I have always wanted to travel, for the first time in my life I am in a position to afford it. Is there a way to secure a job on return? I understand an adventure is risky at the best of times but I have spent so long to scramble together a decent existence. My plan has always been to acrew enough money that if I lost my job I could just disappear into the sunset armed with only a wallet and a smile only to return years later with new languages and badass harmonica skills. I need more assurances.

Magnus_ORily3 karma

Have you any plans to reintroduce 'boulder cam' back into the wild?

I haven't seen one in so long and they're my favourite.

Magnus_ORily1 karma

Have you ever gone by a different name?

I also picture you as 'our graham' from blind date.

Magnus_ORily1 karma

my hope would be not to even go back. in a few years i should have enough experience to find a good job when i get back, by that time i might have more money or more responsibilies, guess ill have to wait to find out. thanks