Highest Rated Comments

Mango_Maniac16 karma

I'm going to use a rhetorical Socratic Method to prove to you that there is a high probability that good experiences are coming in your future.

  1. Human connection is one of the most rewarding experiences.
  2. Human connection is most likely to occur with people who are open and honest with themselves.
  3. The level of honesty about yourself you just displayed in the story you shared in a public forum takes a certain courage and openness that a lot of people don't have.
  4. Therefore you have a higher probability then most to forge those rewarding human connections and enjoy the experiences that come with them. Congrats friend. Go enjoy those future experiences that I'm confident are coming your way!

Mango_Maniac3 karma

Thank you for your work researching and chronicling this systemic failure of campaign oversight. This might be my favorite corruption piece since the TBTimes’ collab with CIR on charities.

I chair a local South Florida political activist group: What could we be doing to keep our politicians’ campaign spending honest, and also spread awareness of your reporting? Second, how do we strengthen the relationship between local activist/citizens, and local journalists?

Mango_Maniac1 karma

The majority of private prison contracts stipulate that the State has to keep a high percentage of those prison beds filled at all times.

Also, if this county’s residents view this proposed private prison as their only hope for employment/survival, how do you think the local district court judges will fair in their re-election campaigns if they develop a reputation for imprisoning fewer defendants? My guess is these judges would be received the way you’d expect of someone threatening the perceived livelihood of the voters, no?

Edit: My mistake on presuming this story was about a private prison. Your article provided an interesting look into communities that are often ignored and are desperate for economic stimulation, (though I wish the anti-prison faction within this community was given a larger voice in the article and not relegated to what is essentially a single quote in Part 4).

Mango_Maniac1 karma

Have you noticed any major changes in the tools or processes used to create miniatures since the time you began in the industry? Which changes are you most excited about? Any changes that leave you feeling nostalgic for the old ways?

Mango_Maniac1 karma

Are there any studies that have been successful in quantifying the public costs to health, environment and industries like tourism (which has taken a huge economic hit in my home state of Florida) as a result of fossil fuel businesses? I think the narrative needs to shift away from subsidizing renewables, to highlighting the insane amount of subsidies (both direct and indirect) the fossil fuel industry receives every year to remain economically competitive.