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Maninhartsford763 karma

Have you ever noticed that horror movie titles and romantic comedy titles are basically interchangeable? House at the end of the street, Endless Love, Freddy Vs. Jason...

Maninhartsford22 karma

This criticism doesn't even make any sense... she went from having cgi hair to a shaved head!

Maninhartsford2 karma

Hey, sorry for the long post because this is going to be a long post. I'm 22 and I discovered Scrubs when my mom casually mentioned that in one episode they were having a ketchup fight in the cafeteria, "you know how that show is." I didn't, but I sure as hell wanted to find out. From there, I couldn't put it down. I loved how crazy it could get and at the same time, how wrenchingly emotional. I became addicted to checking entertainment news sites during the writers strike just so I could see when it would come back, and if it would get the finale it deserved. Then, I started going to a half-day film class near the end of high school and I can honestly say that it's a combination of that and Scrubs that I am currently a film major who spends all his free time making web series. If it hadn't been for those things, I would probably be a creative writing major, and miserable. But picking up a camera coupled with my desire to make something even a little as great as Scrubs has kept me motivated and helped me be the person I am today. What got to me was the quick cutting dialogue, the absurd surrealism, and above all, the characters. I've gone from aping Scrubs hallmarks like the voiceover and cutaway (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mayn9eq7EtY, and actually the title screen shot is an homage to JD walking into Sacred Heart for the first time) to a series about a 21 year old dropout and his imaginary friend (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzY6bCAKz4k) but everything I do is in the name of "how would Scrubs do it?" So I guess I don't really have a question, I just wanted you to know that your show has shaped my life in the most positive of ways. You do amazing work

Maninhartsford2 karma

oh wow, I just got that joke...