Highest Rated Comments

Mapper96 karma

Zebras unite!

Mapper96 karma

Thank you so much for doing what you do. I’m a part time wheelchair user, and bought a rather novel electric chair on Craigslist. It’s a knock off brand and I’m always terrified of something breaking or the batteries dying for good. Do you guys have a hard time sourcing parts? Some brands seem like there are parts everywhere, some have nothing.

Again, I’m so grateful for you, and people like you. Life is so hard when you’re disabled, getting a chair and regaining your freedom is monumental.

Mapper93 karma

Was it very expensive? Did insurance cover any of it? How long was the whole process?

Mapper93 karma

I have yet to find a doctor willing to give me an actual diagnosis. They blame it on my comorbidities, like fibromyalgia. However, my dad's whole family has somewhat severe eds, I meet the criteria, and I just basically diagnose myself. It's dumb, and I'd really like that actual diagnosis.