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MarkBC271 karma

How does this happen? http://i.imgur.com/DYASJmK.jpg

MarkBC90 karma

How many Redditors will stop eating meat all together from this IAMA?

How many will refuse to buy factory farm meat, and start purchasing local meat?

How many will take a moment to think about what conditions the animals they are eating were raised in before they buy it?

Or how many will do nothing? That sounds much better, doesn't it Reddit? Just keep making bacon jokes and worshiping that garbage, while helpless animals suffer needlessly before being butchered.

I'm not upset with animals being butchered. Most people can't go vegetarian, which is fine. But I am appalled that people will just accept that animals will be tortured before being butchered. It's not right, and it doesn't have to be that way.

MarkBC24 karma

Americans spend less on food than people in any other country in the world. We are so far removed from our food that we have no connection to it.

We used to devote a far larger percentage of our paychecks each month to food, it's now down to only about $100 a week. Our habits changed, they can change again. If people realized what our 'cheap' food has actually cost us, we wouldn't be seeing these videos anymore

MarkBC1 karma

Hi, Peter! Who, in your opinion, have the best voices on NPR?

MarkBC1 karma

Do you think that the news as a whole has an issue with equal time? For example, John Oliver had a segment go viral in which he points out the absurdity in having the climate change 'debate' represented equally, with one person who supports the science behind the issue, and someone who doesn't.

In reality, scientists are 97% in favor of the science, and only 3% opposed...so by having two people debate the issue makes it seem more open ended than it is.

Do we have to give equal time on issues like this? Does that do the public a disservice?