Highest Rated Comments

MarkSCSmith2 karma

Thank you for the answer!

Some follow-up questions:

So you built your own engine from scratch? How much of your development time was dedicated to the engine? Did your team's C++ experience come from prior game work or from something else?

MarkSCSmith2 karma

Interesting! So You selected a language that you knew and an existing engine so that you could focus on the content of the game. Because art was not a strong area for your team, you used OpenGameArt.org as a supplement until you could get the art you wanted.

Thanks for the answer!

A quick follow up: was there a significant cost to getting started with Unity?

MarkSCSmith1 karma

There are a wide variety of game types and platforms represented by your various teams. How do you pick the tools you use to build your games? What drives these decisions?

For example, there are many questions on StackOverflow and Reddit around "What programming language should I build my game in?" or "What engine should I use?" Do you even ask these questions when starting a project, or do they sort of answer themselves as you go?