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Masanari7 karma

The NYPD has taken a lot of flak for the conduct of its officers, especially with the new watchdog program under dispute. Have you ever followed a trail that pointed to the corruption of law enforcement or politicians?

What do you think is the biggest constraint to successfully cutting down the illegal trade of narcotics/ weapons? (Funds, manpower, outdated laws, media's promotion of gangster lifestyles etc.)

Masanari3 karma

If they can make adoptions as quick and easy as getting a pet on the internet then I can see your point. But as long as the tedious, vastly subjective, and invasive adoption process exists then I would rather look to a private owner. Just looking through the comments I see some people in situations where a shelter would rather put the animal down than to have even the slightest risk of not being cared for properly.

Masanari2 karma

Have you considered taking an apprenticeship at a blacksmith/ armorer somewhere?

As you said before the utility-centered blade market is pretty saturated by corporations but more artistic replicas and props are frequently in demand for commission. Have you thought about moving into this type of field or what are your plans for the future of your work?

Thanks for doing this ama, I've become pretty interested in blacksmithing after watching man-at-arms on youtube. Also, scrap yards and craigslist are great ways to find free materials if you're ever up for an adventure.

Masanari2 karma

Do you base your idea of democracy on any existing example or do you have one in mind that would be realistically effective and able to be implemented?

I ask this because generally people around the world look at the US as the de facto example of democracy. However, we face some of the same problems that you are, in a general sense, but we in the US have just learned to accept them.

Also, as the average age of the Taiwanese population keeps increasing and with the lack of/ decreasing industry of the country, what do you see as economic alternatives if you don't wish to do business with the mainland?

Masanari0 karma

Do you feel like the law is unfairly favored towards women in situations such as this?

It seems as though you had a legitimate argument but not much sympathy from those who were supposed to help you in the justice system. I studied a bit of law in college and I can say that, sadly, while it is easy to manipulate younger to older age men using sex, they are rarely seen as the victims they are.