Highest Rated Comments

MasterMachiavel6 karma

Do you ever meet any Iraqis who are grateful to President George W. Bush for deposing Saddam Hussein, or do they prefer the known sinister threat to the sheer uncertainty and chaos of the modern state?

MasterMachiavel3 karma

Do you think the marketplace of love which OkCupid has created is useful for reliably creating long lasting and emotionally satisfying relationships, and do you have any reservations about the accuracy the site has in terms of identifying compatibility based on statistics before two people even ever meet each other?

Well done on the success though, I'm sure you've made many people happy :)

MasterMachiavel1 karma

There's definitely hidden agendas at work. It's obvious that organizations like 'News of the World' aren't supporting independence because they believe in national sovereignty, but because a major stakeholder, Rupert, has ordered them to in order to try and embarass the British leader, David Cameron for the Leveson Inquiry a while back.

On the other hand, it seems to me that even liberal parties, like the Labor party, are against independence because they have some representatives in Scotland currently. The Guardian hence supports them on that basis despite the Guardian being left wing naturally.

To me then, it does feel like a conspiracy, granted not a 'rule the whole world' conspiracy, but one similar to vested interests once again assailing democratic movements. This is exactly why Catalonia has not broken free of Spain is yet, and why Texan secessionism is being beaten back by big government and corporations colluding together.

MasterMachiavel1 karma

Gilbert is that your REAL voice, or is it slightly modified? You would make a motherlode if you voiced any game character ever.

MasterMachiavel1 karma

Nice! I think most politicians in the US, and the United Kingdom both fear the idea of hyper-moralists voting them out of office for favoring legalization of weed when in fact, most of us actually want it introduced! Weed is way less damaging than beer anyway.