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MasterPip149 karma

How do you feel about those extremely cringe and tone deaf "hype" meetings HR tends to have with employees and why is this a thing? They can't be oblivious to the fact that these don't work and simply alienate their employees even more?

MasterPip15 karma

That's the most racist interpretation of gun control laws I've ever seen lol. You could build a skyscraper with that much iron-y.

MasterPip8 karma

My wife has some form of this. She breaks out in hives when she sweats or takes a shower/bath. It doesn't happen every time and most of the time it's fairly mild/moderate but I've seen her get so bad that she's crying while scratching. So much so she's bleeding pretty decently but she can't stop because they itch so bad but it also hurts like hell to itch. It's like watching someone torture themselves. Was really tough to see the first time it had got that bad when were dating.

She's never been diagnosed though. We try antihistamines but they don't seem to work so we will certainly try that Beta Alinine you mentioned. It's worth a shot. Thank you!

MasterPip2 karma

Hello Daniel, is it odd to be such a staple of so many people's childhood?

Also what other things are you working on other than movies, such as books, Web series etc..?

MasterPip2 karma

I'm on mobile so I haven't seen all the comments so forgive me.

My brother is going through something similar. He's been out of work for 3 years because of it. No doctor will diagnose him because they don't know what is wrong.

He no longer feels hot or cold unless in extreme temp changes. Doesnt sweat. He no longer feels an adrenaline rush when something scary happens. He can no longer feel his internal organs. This includes having to use the restroom. Instead he can feel "pressure" so it's the only way he knows to go. Among a dozen more things that I can't remember.

He has been to every speciality doctor that you can imagine if it ends in ologist. Neurologist, urologist, etc.. He has run every conceivable test and it never says anything. He's denied disability because of no diagnosis.

Do you have any advice? Everytime he goes to a doc he's treated like a pariah. He's sick of hearing that it's all in his head.