Highest Rated Comments

MattJFarrell1 karma

Is "Can I get a high five?" an appropriate question? I showed that clip to so many people. One of the best Daily Show segments of all time.

MattJFarrell1 karma

There was definitely a lot of that going on in the mortgage crisis, people were being greedy. But why the hell were the banks giving them mortgages that they couldn't afford? That's just bad business.

If you look at the behavior of the banks, there was a lot of seriously unethical, illegal, and stupid activities going on. In particular, bundling the bad debts up with good ones, so that when the bad ones went south, it dragged the good ones with them.

MattJFarrell1 karma

Is it true that most sperm donation centers don't accept donations from redheads? As a redhead, I must know