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MattyFTM1337 karma

It can't be anything that unexpected

*watches video*

Oh shit, you're not wrong.

MattyFTM126 karma

I once had two scrawny teenagers rearing up to me trying to be threatening because I refused to serve them alcohol. One had ID that proved he was 18 (which is the age to buy alcohol here) but the other didn't, and I saw him handing money to the one with ID. Sometimes I might let that slide because I can't be bothered to get into an argument and I could easily claim I didn't see the money changing hands if it ever got to management, but in this case my boss walked passed just as it happened and saw it himself.

Either way, I probably weigh more than those two lads combined and had a good four inches on each of them, and they're getting close to me and acting all big. Then my boss comes over who is as tall as me and big. Muscular big, not just fat like me. Once there was two of us, they backed down. Acting all big and hard when they were never going to get anywhere. Then they tried to go to the cigarette kiosk and got turned down there too. That was very satisfying.

MattyFTM92 karma

Is it safe to assume that following Ryan Davis' tragic death, the Giant Bomb + CAH collaboration is dead in the water? I know Ryan was the major driving force behind it on the Giant Bomb side.

MattyFTM72 karma

In the final episode of Season 2 when Peter texted Grayson revealing that they knew he was the Turd Burgler, that directly caused "The Dump" which could have been avoided had they gone directly to the authorities. I was looking forward to you exploring the journalistic ethics angle and Peter and Sam receiving backlash for causing it, but that never happened. Was that ever an angle you wanted to explore? I think it could have been an interesting twist at the end of the story.

MattyFTM38 karma

I imagine that having five dragons on board actually leads to more of a headache. Five dragons means five sets of lawyers and five due diligence processes and whatnot, making everything five times more complicated. Is this the case, and in hindsight, do you wish you had just received investment from one or two dragons?