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McDouggal2 karma

I think he's done a comic on this.

Yup, #3717

McDouggal2 karma

What was your favorite class in Titan Quest?

McDouggal2 karma

Every part of Office 365 online is a damn good product, but Excel is always laggy as hell, which forces me to download the sheet locally and work on it there if I don't want to have it hang for a half second every time I put in a new equation. Is there a way for me to fix this for online use so that it preferentially uses my computer's processor for these calculations?

McDouggal2 karma

Mod for a nearly 300k sub here.

Adding mods is not as easy as just finding active community members and going "Hey, wanna be a mod?" The pool of volunteers is much smaller than you think in the first place. Then you have to check their history, make sure they're not an asshole to people when they don't have power already. If they pass that, do they actually have time to do mod duties? Because I'll spend 1-2 hours a day doing mod stuff just on the 300k sub. If they don't have time due to real life situations such as jobs, school, or childcare, then they aren't going to be an effective member of the team. So your already small pool of people that are willing to put 10-15 hours of work in, unpaid, out of a desire to see the community be better and thrive, is already shrinking even further.

And then, once they're actually added to the team, the sub I'm on has about a 1 in 3 success rate for mods to actually stay on the team and active after about a month, despite our best efforts.

In addition, the more people you have active on the team, the more organization that you need to have. The 300k sub I mod has a small enough mod team to get away without an organization and make decisions via consensus. Larger teams though? They're going to be organized more like office work, with managers making the decisions (Ideally with input from below) and the workers below carrying that out. So how do you organize that? Who gets to be the managers? Are people willing to essentially be a junior partner in all this?

It takes a special kind of arguably stupid to be willing to do what is essentially a part time job like this for free for the right reasons, and not just to lord your tiny power over the masses.