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McSuzuki2 karma

Hi Tahir and Rachana, thanks so much for all your amazing work. I've really enjoyed the unique qualities of each Secretum Mundi release whether it was the cool cover art, cartography, or overall design. I'm really excited about Roger Burrows Think 3D release and I've been wondering about patterns and Geometry and levels of organization available in your works. It seems like they have many dimensions available. Is this something you have been trying to help people see with the "golden head" search (triangulations?). I've wondered about this and the publishing name, Secretum Mundi...

McSuzuki1 karma

Thanks for the great answer Tahir. I like Robert Ornstein's example of how frogs only see four patterns in MindReal -- I also like how he uses the tesseract as a geometric meta four/framework for Mind Field. I've wondered if there's a relationship between In Arabian Nights and the hieroglyph for unity and the Nile (samia tawy) with Hapi on each side (hexagonal geometry). It's possible I get Secretum Mundi syndrome (w/ hallucinations) at times, but what can we expect when someone has the trumpet of the devil hanging from their Torii? 8)

McSuzuki1 karma

It seems like you have an “all-star” team of authors you associate with like Twigger, Webster (Max Camara- or the Bull Kills You), and Hall (Vish Puri- the Man who Died Laughing). They find and share some awesome Sayf Al-Muluk like stories. One of them, Dr. Ragab and the Universal Language, which I like to look at as how to cloak yourself in mirrors (or algebra and optics (minzar)) makes me wonder about the eye ball theme in Eye Spy. After reading Eye Spy combined with how Vatson talks about the Thuggee cult in Sorcerer’s Apprentice, I started wondering if serial killing and eating eye balls or killing a “thousand women” is a veil for a tradition of assassins that help people defeat or gain control of a part of themselves. It seems like we learn so much with mirror neurons, yet they could be the source of the conditioning and associative thinking described in some traditions as the “amara.” Was Amadeus Kane a delicious cornea squishing metaphor for a Rahula (sgra-can-zin) like persona within you wanting to show people to themselves and the effects of the culture they’re immersed in? http://www.aroencyclopaedia.org/shared/text/r/rahula_th_01_01_eng.php

McSuzuki1 karma

If this is aunt ita - you write awesome reviews and I always learn something from what you say :D